

I never really paid much attention to tulips before I moved to the city, but now it's almost impossible not to notice them. They're everywhere now — in the medians, in sidewalk planters, in window boxes and throughout the parks and gardens around the city. I've kind of become obsessed with them, and every time I think I've found a favorite, I walk by another color or variation that is even better.

There are ones that look like roses, spiky ones and striped ones, ones with ruffles, miniature ones and ones that are impossibly tall. If I had to pick a favorite I would have to say the darker the better; there's just something about a dark purple, almost black flower that I really love. Dark tulips always remind me of a Victorian funeral and are a little bit morbid — kind of the direct opposite of every other hopeful and bright spring bloom. Two years ago while I was visiting the city (and the Conservatory Gardens for the first time) I fell in love with the dark purple tulip and I'm still not over them.

I always thought that tulips had a very brief blooming season, but they seem to be sticking around for longer than I would have expected. There are even some in the Conservatory Garden that haven't reached their peak yet — I've been checking on them a few times a week since the beginning of April and they just recently started to come to life. I'll definitely be sad when tulip season is officially over and my daily commute gets a little less colorful.

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