Coney Island: Opening Day 2015

Coney Island: Opening Day 2015

Sunday was opening day at Coney Island, even if it snowed on Saturday and it feels as if we're months away from acceptable beach weather. We were a little slow moving on Sunday morning, so we missed the ceremonial egg cream christening and the Cyclone breaking down (it was closed when we arrived), but we did have time for a Nathan's hot dog and to see the freak show.

The freak show was a definite highlight despite (or maybe because of?) the fact that I was tricked into participating, which is very high on my list of worst nightmares. The host asked the audience to raise their hands if they were having fun, which of course I did and was promptly thanked for volunteering and placed in an "electric" chair. I guess you can call me Electra now, a name I think I earned after I lit a torch with a spark from my tongue (along with a few other "shocking" feats—and yes, it hurt a little).

I could spend the rest of my life at Coney Island and still never tire of its kitschy signs, wonderful imagery and mix of new, old and somewhere in between. We got our fortunes told by Grandma (a must), poked around the Coney Island History Project's new exhibit and considered a ride on the Wonder Wheel, but decided to save it for a warmer day.

I always think it's not possible for me to love Coney Island any more than I already do, yet somehow every trip makes me love it more and more. I can't wait for the day when it's finally warm enough to enjoy the beach part of the neighborhood in addition to the amusements and when we're able to eat our hot dogs without completely losing feeling in our hands.

More Coney Island:  Opening Day 2014 | Mermaid Parade | Halloween

365 Project: Days 86-92

365 Project: Days 86-92

Shinran Statue / Amiable Child Monument

Shinran Statue / Amiable Child Monument