365 Project: Days 148-154

365 Project: Days 148-154

148/365: We went to see a movie and passed by this perfect pastry shop sign on Court Street in Brooklyn.

149/365: We spent a lazy Saturday strolling through Green-Wood and Prospect Park.

150/365: I (sort of) Kondo'd my drawers and it was strangely satisfying. It also made me realize that 90% of my wardrobe is black or grey (aka Mozart-colored).

151/365: My dad sent me a box containing all of my middle school / high school journals. Look at all of those pre-emoji stickers! Also, could I have made it any more enticing to read with that enormous "Private" label (followed by the oh-so-menacing "Keep your paws off!").

152/365: This majestic beast and I continued to plow through season 2 of Six Feet Under. She matches all of my furniture / bedding / clothing and that's not a coincidence.

153/365:  I walked to work through (a very green) Central Park and marveled at the incredible reflections in the Pool.

154/365: I met Jim for dinner in Brooklyn and on my way I walked by this mannequin massacre.

365 Project: Days 155-161

365 Project: Days 155-161

Central Park: Reflections

Central Park: Reflections