Kelder's Farm

Kelder's Farm

When I first read that the world's (third) largest garden gnome was on a private farm, I assumed that it might be kind of difficult to visit. I couldn't have been more wrong—not only is Gnome Chomsky completely accessible, but he stands at the entrance to a really welcoming and adorable family-owned farm—no trespassing required.

Kelder's Farm has been around since 1836 and is the type of place where you can pick-your-own blueberries, kale, lettuce and various other types of produce. You can also play a round of mini-golf, feed (and pet!) the animals and (for $5) jump on the "jumping pillow," which was kind of weird and dirty-looking, but is probably awesome if you're 8 years old.

The animals were really adorable, and not something I get to see much of in the city. I grew up going to state fairs and petting zoos, so goats and pigs are not exactly novel to me, but they're still fun to watch (to smell—not so much). The goats were particularly animated and functioned like one, three-headed goat, following the hand with the most food. It cost us nothing to wander around Kelder's Farm, although we couldn't resist buying some blueberries and cherries from the shop, which took considerably less work than picking our own.

Mets Game

Mets Game

Kerhonkson, New York

Kerhonkson, New York