Project 365: Days 186-195

Project 365: Days 186-195

186/365: I read my book in the park on my lunch break and couldn't resist the call of Mister Softee—or making the uncanny comparison again between his head swirl and the Guggenheim.

187/365: My dude and I went out for dinner and drinks in Brooklyn.

188/365: I couldn't pass by this sign without laughing and snapping a photo.

189/365: We went to Celebrate Brooklyn to see Sarah Jarosz and the Punch Brothers, which was a great show despite the torrential rains that started and ended with the Punch Brothers' set.

190/365: Went to Jim's to meet a potential third roommate because—exciting news!—I'll be moving into his amazing apartment in Brooklyn on August 1st (this is the view from the kitchen).

191/365: We went to a Mets game and then over to Flushing for some incredible dumplings.

192/365: I finally had the chance to showcase my watermelon art skills (next time: a fruit swan!).

193/365: You have no idea how ready I am.

194/365: Started reading a book about the father of the lobotomy, after hearing about his ice picks and lobotomobile(!!!) on the wonderful podcast, Lore.

195/365: I'll be upset forever that the "dollar" stacks at the Strand are now $1.50, which also makes me feel old.

Pelham Cemetery

Pelham Cemetery

Mets Game

Mets Game