Project 365: Days 1-11

Project 365: Days 1-11

I decided to do Project 365 again this year, after skipping last year for no particular reason. I did it first in 2015, and I really loved looking back on that year's photos. I tried briefly to do the one-second-a-day video thing last year, but only lasted until February before I gave up. I just don't think in videos (or really know how to edit them) and I wasn't really having fun. Still photos just make so much more sense to me, so this year I'm back at it.

1/365: We celebrated 2017 by going to Coney Island, where one of us took the Polar Bear plunge while the other held his towel (and we found this New Year's hat on the beach).

2/365: Well it didn't take long before I forgot to take a photo (maybe this is why I don't make New Year's resolutions), but January 2nd was rainy and I mostly spent it inside—but I did take this screenshot of a young and impossibly beautiful Meryl Streep, and I make the rules around here so I'm going to say that counts.

3/365: I took the fresh and clean Second Avenue subway home for the first time and my commute hasn't been the same since—I always get a seat and the Q takes me just steps away from my apartment.

4/365: I had a dentist appointment (PSA:floss those teeth!) but I got to walk to work from the west side through Central Park, which I've missed deeply since I moved to Brooklyn.

5/365: I wrote out thank you notes on my lunch break—my dear friend Shannon gave me these lovely gold foil kitty cards for Christmas and it was almost painful to send most of them away.

6/365: My apartment isn't perfect but sometimes I just sit on my bed and stare at all of my stuff and think how lucky I am to live in New York and how much I love curating my own spaces and collections.

7/365: We got our first major snowfall of 2017 and I frolicked in Prospect Park for hours.

8/365: Is there anything better than egg and cheese on a bagel? Nope.

9/365: This delightfully strange Christmas gift from Francesca fits right in (there's no question that I'm the "weird" roommate).

10/365: I woke up to the most beautiful sunrise.

11/365: I continued to be enamored with the Second Avenue subway and my super chill evening commute.



Lower Manhattan

Lower Manhattan