Coney Island: Off-Season

Coney Island: Off-Season

After being cooped up inside for a few days recovering from a little something, I very much needed to clear out the cobwebs. I decided to go to Coney Island and as expected, its off-season grit and grime was exactly what I needed. There are a few stores and restaurants open all-year-round, but the parks and rides are currently closed until March 20th this year.

I've posted about Coney Island numerous times before, but I feel like I could go forever and still never run out of interesting things to see and photograph. The weather was spring like, despite still being February, and there were quite a few people on the boardwalk, but less on the side streets and avenues.

It was strange to see the Wonder Wheel stripped of its cars and sitting silent and still. The Cyclone looked downright abandoned, which of course I love because I get to revel in the sadness of that idea, while knowing full well that in a few short weeks it will be up and running again, giving whiplash to anyone with $9 to spare.

Morbid Anatomy Museum: House of Wax

Morbid Anatomy Museum: House of Wax

Project 365: Days 345-365

Project 365: Days 345-365