Project 365: Days 27-33

Project 365: Days 27-33

27/365: Obsessed with drug-store candles (apple cinnamon only, please).

28/365: My mom and I ate a very delicious breakfast at Eisenberg's Sandwich Shop, a lunch counter-style diner that has been across from the Flatiron Building since 1923.

29/365: I marched once again, this time against Trump's muslim/Syrian refugee ban.

30/365: We celebrated the birthday of a very special dude.

31/365: I look at this plaque (a gift from my very good friend JMP) every morning when I'm getting ready // Not only have I not killed this plant at work, but it's flowering!

32/365: Turns out calligraphy is really hard, but I'm enjoying the challenge.

33/365: We went to Delmonico's (open since 1863 and the birthplace of baked Alaska) for restaurant week.

Charleston: Angel Oak

Charleston: Angel Oak

